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OFERTA PRÀCTIQUES REMUNERADES A HOLANDA. Inici gener 2018 fins agost 2018

OFERTA PRÀCTIQUES REMUNERADES A HOLANDA. Inici gener 2018 fins agost 2018


En el marc del conveni de col·laboració que tenim amb Sabàtica, t’oferim pràctiques remunerades a Holanda, en una granja de porcs, amb l’allotjament + menjars + 400 € al mes.


Company: A pig farm company. They have around 300 sows, 2000 porkers. Breeding and meat pigs. They also offer Bed & Breakfast and have a pig sight stable with airwasher. The company is located in the province of Noord Brabant, which is the area where most pig farms are located.

Family: The family consists of Pieter and Mieke (see picture) and their four sons. They speak Dutch, English, German and a little French. It is a very social and communicative family.
Living: You will have your own room, have meals with the family and participate in family life.
Requirements: Trainees should be interested, which is more important than knowledge. Willingness to learn something about the Dutch culture and to teach the host something about the trainee’s culture is appreciated. Trainees should be able to communicate well.
Placement: A placement is available from the 1st of December or the beginning of January onwards until the end of August.
Tasks: Depending on your knowledge and what you would like to learn, you will participate in all activities and tasks in the company, for example feeding, inspecting, inseminating, cleaning, maintenance, health care etc.

Més informació sobre el programa aquí

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Consulta les condicions especials per ser col·legiat/ada del COEAC

Si estàs col·legiat al Col·legi d’Enginyers Agrònoms de Catalunya, Sabática t’ofereix un  50 % de descompte en la taxa d’ inscripció en qualsevol dels seus programes de pràctiques remunerades d’ agricultura o enologia o qualsevol altre programa que desitgis.

Més informació sobre el conveni amb Sabàtica aquí.

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